Alright, let’s talk about this… this “alum brick” thing, ya know? Folks keep jabberin’ about it, so I figured I’d put in my two cents.
What is this Alum Brick Anyways?

Well, from what I gather, it’s a kinda rock, you see? Not a fancy rock like them diamonds city folks wear, but a plain ol’ rock that does… stuff. They say it helps after you shave, especially if you’re one of them fellas who gets all them little cuts and red spots on your face. I tell ya, shaving’s a pain, always has been. Back in my day, we just used whatever dull blade we had and hoped for the best! But these young’uns, they got all sorts of fancy things.
How Do You Use It?
- First off, you gotta get the thing wet. Just run it under the tap, I guess. Ain’t rocket science.
- Then, you rub it on your face, where you shaved. Kinda like you’re wasing’ your face, but with this rock.
- They say you gotta focus on where you cut yourself or where it feels all burny. Makes sense, I reckon. If it hurts, you wanna do somethin’ about it.
Seems simple enough, even for an old gal like me. Though I ain’t shavin’ nothin’ these days, mind you!
What Does It Do, Really?
Okay, so here’s the deal. This here alum brick, it’s supposed to do a few things:
- Stop the Bleedin’: If you nick yourself, it helps stop the blood. That’s mighty handy, I’d say. Nobody wants to walk around with little red dots all over their face. Reminds me of that time ol’ Mr. Henderson tried to shave in the dark… let’s just say it wasn’t pretty.
- Calm the Skin: Shaving can make your skin all red and angry. This here rock is supposed to cool it down and make it feel better. Like puttin’ a cool cloth on a hot forehead, I imagine.
- Fight the Germs: Now this is important, see? You don’t want no nasty germs gettin’ in them cuts. This rock, it helps keep them germs away, so you don’t get an infection. Infections are bad news, take it from me.
Where Do You Get One of These Things?

Now, that’s a good question. Apparently, you can’t just find ‘em everywhere. They ain’t in every store, like them soaps and shampoos. You gotta look a little harder, maybe in a special store, or maybe online, whatever that means. Seems like more trouble than it’s worth if you ask me, but then again, I ain’t shavin’. If you’re a young fella all worried about your face, maybe you’ll think it’s worth the trouble.
Is It Worth the Fuss?
Well, I dunno. Never used it myself. But from what I hear, it seems like it might be helpful for them that shave. It’s like havin’ a little helper after you’re done with that razor. If you’re tired of cuttin’ yourself up and havin’ a face that feels like it’s on fire, maybe this alum brick is worth a try. Can’t hurt too much, I reckon. Unless you drop it on your toe, of course! Then it’ll hurt like heck!
Final Thoughts
So there ya have it. My thoughts on this here “alum brick”. Seems like a handy little thing for the shavers out there. Stops the bleedin’, calms the skin, and fights the germs. Not bad for a little ol’ rock, huh? But me? I’ll stick to my plain ol’ soap and water. Less fuss, less bother. But you young’uns, you do what you gotta do to keep them faces lookin’ smooth, I guess.
And that’s all I gotta say about that.

Tags: [alum block, shaving, aftershave, razor burn, skin irritation, cuts, bleeding, antiseptic, astringent, skincare]