So, the other day, I decided it was time to tackle a little project I’d been putting off – building a small pizza oven in my backyard. I’m no expert, but I figured, how hard could it be, right? Well, let me tell you, finding the right materials was the first hurdle. I knew I needed firebricks, those special bricks that can handle the crazy heat of a pizza oven.
First, I started to search online for some basic info about the firebrick. I found it has two types called “hard brick” and “soft brick”. I guess the hard one might be better for me because it was used for their structural qualities and building kilns or chimneys.

I hopped in my truck and headed straight to the local Lowe’s. I figured they’d have everything I needed. I wandered around the store for a bit, feeling a little lost. Finally, I spotted an employee and asked about firebricks. He pointed me to the outdoor section.
There they were, neatly stacked and ready to go. They had a decent selection, and I found the size I needed. I remembered that the price online is about 2.60 bucks each, and I’d need quite a few. Doing some quick math in my head, I figured it would be around 100 dollars for all the bricks. I also found some info that refractory bricks are much more expensive than firebricks. I think I might just stay with firebricks.
I loaded up my cart with the firebricks. I chose these because they are designed to withstand high heat, which is perfect for a pizza oven.
With the firebricks secured, I felt pretty good. Next step, figuring out how to actually put this oven together. But that’s a story for another day. I successfully got what I needed from Lowe’s, which I would use to build my pizza oven.