Refractory Bricks for Glass Furnaces and Kilns

Refractory bricks are a critical component of glass furnaces and kilns, serving as the lining material that protects the furnace or kiln shell from high temperatures, chemical attack, and mechanical wear. In this article, we will discuss the importance of refractory bricks for glass furnaces and kilns, their properties and characteristics, and the various types of refractory bricks commonly used in these applications.

Importance of Refractory Bricks for Glass Furnaces and Kilns

Glass manufacturing is a high-temperature process that requires furnaces and kilns to operate at temperatures as high as 1600°C. These extreme temperatures create harsh conditions that can cause severe damage to furnace and kiln structures. Refractory bricks play a vital role in protecting the furnace and kiln shells from high temperatures, chemical attack, and mechanical wear.

In addition to providing thermal insulation, refractory bricks also serve as a barrier between the high-temperature environment and the metal shell of the furnace or kiln. This is essential because exposure to high temperatures and corrosive chemicals can cause metal to oxidize and weaken, leading to structural failure.

Furthermore, refractory bricks must withstand thermal shock, which occurs when the furnace or kiln is rapidly heated or cooled. This sudden temperature change can cause cracking or spalling of the bricks, leading to premature failure and costly downtime.

Properties and Characteristics of Refractory Bricks for Glass Furnaces and Kilns

To withstand the harsh conditions of glass manufacturing, refractory bricks must possess certain properties and characteristics, including:

High temperature resistance: Refractory bricks must be able to withstand temperatures as high as 1600°C without melting or degrading.

Chemical resistance: Glass manufacturing involves the use of corrosive chemicals, such as molten glass, sodium carbonate, and silica. Refractory bricks must be able to resist chemical attack from these substances to prevent degradation.

Thermal shock resistance: Refractory bricks must be able to withstand rapid changes in temperature without cracking or spalling.

Mechanical strength: Refractory bricks must have sufficient mechanical strength to withstand the weight of the furnace or kiln structure and any thermal expansion or contraction.

Low thermal conductivity: Refractory bricks must have low thermal conductivity to minimize heat loss and improve energy efficiency.

Dimensional stability: Refractory bricks must maintain their shape and size over time to ensure proper fit and function.

Types of Refractory Bricks for Glass Furnaces and Kilns

There are several types of refractory bricks commonly used in glass furnace and kiln applications, each with its own unique properties and characteristics. The most common types include:

Fireclay bricks: Fireclay bricks are made from high-grade clay and are ideal for low-temperature applications. They are inexpensive and easy to manufacture, making them a popular choice for small-scale glass manufacturing operations.

Silica bricks: Silica bricks are made from high-purity silica and are ideal for high-temperature applications. They are highly resistant to chemical attack and have excellent thermal shock resistance, making them an excellent choice for glass furnace and kiln linings.

Alumina bricks: Alumina bricks are made from high-purity alumina and are ideal for high-temperature applications. They have excellent thermal shock resistance and are highly resistant to chemical attack, making them an excellent choice for glass furnace and kiln linings.

Magnesia bricks: Magnesia bricks are made from high-purity magnesium oxide and are ideal for high-temperature applications. They have excellent thermal shock resistance but are less resistant to chemical attack than other refractory brick types.

Chrome bricks: Chrome bricks are made from high-purity chrome oxide and are ideal for high-temperature applications. They have excellent thermal shock resistance and are highly resistant to chemical attack, making them an excellent choice for glass furnace and kiln linings. However, they are more expensive than other refractory brick types.

Zirconia bricks: Zirconia bricks are made from high-purity zirconium oxide and are ideal for high-temperature applications. They have excellent thermal shock resistance and are highly resistant to chemical attack, making them an excellent choice for glass furnace and kiln linings. However, they are more expensive than other refractory brick types.

Carbon bricks: Carbon bricks are made from high-purity carbon and are ideal for high-temperature applications. They have excellent thermal shock resistance and are highly resistant to chemical attack, making them an excellent choice for glass furnace and kiln linings. However, they are prone to oxidation and may require frequent maintenance.

Choosing the Right Refractory Brick for Glass Furnaces and Kilns

Selecting the right refractory brick for a glass furnace or kiln depends on several factors, including the temperature of the application, the type of glass being produced, the chemical environment, and the specific requirements of the application.

For low-temperature applications, fireclay bricks are an excellent choice due to their low cost and ease of manufacture. However, for high-temperature applications, silica, alumina, magnesia, chrome, and zirconia bricks are better suited due to their high temperature resistance and excellent thermal shock resistance.

When selecting a refractory brick for glass furnace or kiln applications, it is important to consider the chemical environment. For example, if the glass being produced contains high levels of alkali, such as sodium or potassium, silica bricks may not be the best choice due to their susceptibility to alkali attack. In this case, alumina or zirconia bricks may be a better choice due to their higher chemical resistance.

In addition to temperature and chemical resistance, it is also important to consider the specific requirements of the application, such as mechanical strength, dimensional stability, and thermal conductivity. These factors can impact the overall performance and longevity of the refractory brick lining.


Refractory bricks are a critical component of glass furnace and kiln linings, protecting the furnace or kiln shell from high temperatures, chemical attack, and mechanical wear. Choosing the right refractory brick for a glass furnace or kiln depends on several factors, including the temperature of the application, the type of glass being produced, the chemical environment, and the specific requirements of the application. Understanding the properties and characteristics of different types of refractory bricks can help ensure proper selection and performance in glass furnace and kiln applications.



Contact: Mgr. Han

Phone: 0086-13589497465


Add: Industrial Area of Lingzi Town,Zichuan District,Zibo City, Shandong,China

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