Well, I tell you, finding them fire bricks ain’t always easy, you know? It’s like lookin’ for a needle in a haystack sometimes, but I’ll tell ya what I know. First off, what in the tarnation do you need ’em for? That matters, see?
If you’re buildin’ somethin’ like a pizza oven or a fireplace, you gonna need the good stuff, the real refractory bricks them fellas in the city talk about. Heard tell they can stand the heat, real hot, like. You ain’t gonna find them at the corner store, that’s for sure. You gotta go to special places.

- Brick Yards and Masonry Suppliers: These are the places that sell all kinds of bricks, stones, and stuff for buildin’. They’ll have the fire bricks, but they might call ’em somethin’ fancy, like “refractory” somethin’ or other. Just tell ’em you need bricks for a fire, they’ll know what you mean. Sometimes they got different kinds too, hard ones and soft ones. The hard ones are tough, good for buildin’ walls and such. The soft ones, they’re better for keepin’ the heat in, like in a furnace or somethin’. Don’t be shy to ask for help, they’re usually helpful folk, most of them.
- Online Stores: Now, I ain’t too good with this here internet stuff, but the young’uns, they say you can buy just about anythin’ online these days. Places like Amazon, maybe even them home improvement sites, like that Lowe’s place or that Macy’s store – though I don’t rightly know why they’d sell bricks, seems they mostly sell fancy clothes and such. Just type in “fire bricks” and see what pops up. But be careful, you can’t always trust what you see on that there internet. Make sure you check the reviews before you buy. You don’t want no flimsy bricks, that’s for sure.
- Specialty Hearth and Stove Shops: If you’re lookin’ for bricks for a wood stove or a fireplace, places that sell them stoves will likely have fire bricks too. They know what kind you need and can give you some good advice, seein’ as how they sell the things the bricks go into. They might cost a bit more, but sometimes it’s worth it for the peace of mind.
Now, if you’re just needin’ somethin’ to line a little fire pit in your backyard, you might not need them fancy fire bricks. Heard tell you can use regular ceramic tiles, the kind they use in bathrooms and such. They ain’t as good as the real thing, but they’re cheaper and they can stand some heat. Just make sure they ain’t got no fancy glazes or nothin’, them things might crack when they get hot.
And listen here, whatever you’re doin’ with fire, you gotta be careful. Always keep a fire extinguisher handy, the kind they sell at them hardware stores. And don’t go buildin’ no fires where you ain’t supposed to, understand? Don’t want no trouble with the fire marshal.
Price is a big thing too. Them good fire bricks, they cost a pretty penny. The better they are, the more they cost. It’s all about how they make ’em and what they use, you know. Them fancy clay ones, they cost more, but they last longer and can take more heat. So you gotta think about what you need and how much you wanna spend. Sometimes you can find used bricks, but you gotta be careful, make sure they ain’t cracked or nothin’ or else they will cause you headaches later on.
Another thing to remember is the size and shape of them bricks. They come in all different sizes, so you gotta measure and figure out how many you need. And some are shaped different, some are flat, some are curved, depends on what you’re buildin’. You need some repointing work on your brick house? That’s another story altogether, you’ll need to find someone who knows how to do that properly, don’t just go slapping mortar on there yourself if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Also, think about where you’re gonna get your firewood, if you’re buildin’ somethin’ that needs wood. You don’t wanna be using just any old wood. Gotta be dry and seasoned, not all wet and green. And if you’re havin’ it delivered, you gotta find a reliable fella that won’t cheat ya. There’s plenty of folks sellin’ firewood, but not all of ’em are honest, that’s for sure.
So, there you have it. That’s about all I know about where to get fire bricks. Just remember to be careful, do your research, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. And if you’re not sure, best to get someone who knows what they’re doin’ to help ya. Don’t wanna go burnin’ the house down or nothin’.

Oh, and one more thing. I heard tell of them Fire tablets, but I don’t reckon them for building anything, so don’t get confused now!