High Alumina Bricks for Blast Furnace Applications


High Alumina Bricks are refractory materials that are widely used in various industrial applications, especially in blast furnaces. These bricks are composed of high-quality raw materials, including high-purity alumina and other refractory materials. They are designed to withstand high temperatures, chemical attacks, and abrasions in harsh environments.

Blast furnaces are large industrial furnaces used for smelting metals, such as iron, steel, and copper, by heating the raw materials in a furnace with coke, limestone, and iron ore. The high-temperature environment in the blast furnace requires refractory materials that can withstand the high temperature and chemical attack. High Alumina Bricks are the preferred choice for blast furnace applications because of their excellent thermal shock resistance, high refractoriness, and excellent chemical stability.

Composition of High Alumina Bricks:

High Alumina Bricks are made of high-purity alumina, which is a synthetic material derived from bauxite ore. The alumina content in high alumina bricks can range from 50% to 99%, depending on the application. The other important raw materials used in the production of high alumina bricks include fireclay, kaolin, and other refractory materials.

The manufacturing process of high alumina bricks involves the mixing of raw materials, forming the bricks, and firing them at high temperatures. The raw materials are mixed in a precise ratio to achieve the desired alumina content and other properties. The mixture is then formed into bricks using various molding techniques such as dry pressing, extrusion, or casting. The formed bricks are then fired in a kiln at temperatures ranging from 1500°C to 1800°C to achieve the desired strength and other properties.

Properties of High Alumina Bricks:

High Alumina Bricks are known for their excellent properties, which make them ideal for blast furnace applications. Some of the key properties of high alumina bricks include:

1.High Refractoriness: High Alumina Bricks have a high refractoriness, which enables them to withstand high temperatures in the blast furnace. The refractoriness of high alumina bricks can range from 1750°C to 1850°C, depending on the alumina content and other factors.

2.Excellent Thermal Shock Resistance: High Alumina Bricks have excellent thermal shock resistance, which enables them to withstand rapid temperature changes without cracking or spalling. This property is critical in blast furnace applications, where the temperature can change rapidly due to the addition of raw materials.

3.Excellent Chemical Stability: High Alumina Bricks have excellent chemical stability, which enables them to resist chemical attack from acidic or basic materials. This property is critical in blast furnace applications, where the molten metal can be highly acidic.

4.High Compressive Strength: High Alumina Bricks have a high compressive strength, which enables them to withstand the weight of the materials in the blast furnace. The compressive strength of high alumina bricks can range from 80 MPa to 150 MPa, depending on the alumina content and other factors.

Applications of High Alumina Bricks in Blast Furnaces:

High Alumina Bricks are widely used in various applications in blast furnaces. Some of the key applications of high alumina bricks in blast furnaces include:

1.Hot Blast Stove: Hot Blast Stove is an essential component of the blast furnace, which supplies hot air to the furnace to facilitate the smelting process. High Alumina Bricks are used in the lining of the hot blast stove due to their excellent thermal shock resistance and high refractoriness.

2.Tuyere Zone: Tuyere Zone is the area where the molten metal is produced in the blast furnace. High Alumina Bricks are used in the lining of the tuyere zone due to their high chemical stability and resistance to thermal shock.

3.Belly and Bosh Zones: The Belly and Bosh Zones are critical areas in the blast furnace where the iron ore is reduced to molten iron. High Alumina Bricks are used in the lining of these areas due to their high compressive strength and excellent thermal shock resistance.

4.Furnace Roof: The Furnace Roof is the topmost part of the blast furnace where the gases are exhausted. High Alumina Bricks are used in the lining of the furnace roof due to their high refractoriness and thermal shock resistance.

Advantages of High Alumina Bricks in Blast Furnace Applications:

High Alumina Bricks offer several advantages in blast furnace applications, which make them the preferred choice for these applications. Some of the key advantages of high alumina bricks in blast furnace applications include:

1.High Temperature Resistance: High Alumina Bricks can withstand high temperatures in the range of 1750°C to 1850°C, making them ideal for blast furnace applications.

2.Excellent Thermal Shock Resistance: High Alumina Bricks can withstand rapid temperature changes without cracking or spalling, which is a critical property in blast furnace applications.

3.High Chemical Stability: High Alumina Bricks are highly resistant to chemical attack from acidic or basic materials, making them ideal for blast furnace applications where the molten metal can be highly acidic.

4.High Compressive Strength: High Alumina Bricks have a high compressive strength, which enables them to withstand the weight of the materials in the blast furnace.


High Alumina Bricks are an essential component of blast furnace applications due to their excellent properties, including high refractoriness, excellent thermal shock resistance, and high chemical stability. These bricks are composed of high-quality raw materials, including high-purity alumina and other refractory materials. They are designed to withstand the harsh conditions of blast furnace applications, including high temperatures, chemical attacks, and abrasions. High Alumina Bricks are widely used in various applications in blast furnaces, including the hot blast stove, tuyere zone, belly and bosh zones, and furnace roof. These bricks offer several advantages in blast furnace applications, including high temperature resistance, excellent thermal shock resistance, high chemical stability, and high compressive strength.



Contact: Mgr. Han

Phone: 0086-13589497465


Add: Industrial Area of Lingzi Town,Zichuan District,Zibo City, Shandong,China

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