Refractory Corundum Bricks for Glass Industry Applications

Corundum bricks are an essential material in the glass industry because of their excellent thermal, chemical, and mechanical properties. Corundum is a crystalline form of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) that exhibits high melting points, extreme hardness, and resistance to abrasion and corrosion. Refractory corundum bricks are manufactured from high-purity corundum by sintering at high temperatures. They find extensive applications in the glass industry as lining materials for various high-temperature furnaces and kilns, such as regenerators, melting furnaces, and glass tanks.

Properties of Refractory Corundum Bricks

The high-temperature resistance of corundum bricks is attributed to the strong ionic bonds between the aluminum and oxygen atoms in the crystal lattice structure. These bonds give corundum bricks an exceptional thermal stability that allows them to withstand temperatures of up to 1800°C. Additionally, corundum bricks have low thermal conductivity and high thermal shock resistance, which helps to prevent thermal stress fractures during rapid temperature changes.

Corundum bricks are also highly resistant to chemical attacks by acidic, basic, and neutral compounds, making them ideal for use in harsh chemical environments. They are particularly useful in the glass industry because they can withstand the corrosive effects of molten glass and other chemicals used in glass manufacturing.

Furthermore, corundum bricks have high mechanical strength and excellent abrasion resistance, which makes them suitable for use in areas that are subject to mechanical wear, such as the regenerator checker bricks in glass furnaces. The checker bricks play a crucial role in the energy-saving process of glass production by recovering the heat from the flue gases that exit the furnace and transferring it back to the incoming combustion air.

Applications of Refractory Corundum Bricks in Glass Industry

Glass manufacturing involves several high-temperature processes that require refractory materials with superior performance characteristics. The following are some of the applications of corundum bricks in the glass industry:

1.Furnace Lining

Corundum bricks are commonly used as lining materials for melting furnaces and regenerators in glass manufacturing. The high thermal stability and chemical resistance of corundum bricks make them ideal for use in harsh environments, where they can withstand the corrosive effects of molten glass and other chemicals.

2.Glass Tank Lining

Glass tanks are used to contain the molten glass during the manufacturing process. The tank lining is subjected to extreme thermal and chemical stresses, which can cause degradation and failure of the lining material. Corundum bricks are preferred for glass tank lining because of their high-temperature resistance, chemical resistance, and low thermal expansion.

3.Regenerator Checker Bricks

Regenerators are essential components of glass furnaces that help to recover heat from the flue gases and transfer it back to the incoming combustion air. The regenerator checker bricks play a critical role in this process by providing a large surface area for heat exchange. Corundum checker bricks are commonly used in glass furnaces because of their high thermal shock resistance, mechanical strength, and abrasion resistance.

4.Float Glass Kilns

Float glass kilns are used to produce flat glass by melting and refining the glass ingredients in a continuous process. Corundum bricks are used in the lower portion of the float glass kilns because of their ability to withstand the extreme thermal and chemical stresses.

5.Crown and Superstructure

The crown and superstructure of glass furnaces are typically lined with corundum bricks. These areas are subjected to high-temperature and chemical stresses, and corundum bricks provide the required thermal and chemical resistance.


Refractory corundum bricks are essential materials in the glass industry because of their exceptional thermal, chemical, and mechanical properties. They can withstand extreme temperatures,resist chemical attacks, and have high mechanical strength and abrasion resistance, making them suitable for various high-temperature applications in the glass industry. Corundum bricks are commonly used as lining materials for melting furnaces, regenerators, and glass tanks. They are also used as checker bricks in regenerators and in the lower portion of float glass kilns. The crown and superstructure of glass furnaces are also lined with corundum bricks. The use of corundum bricks in the glass industry has contributed significantly to the efficiency and productivity of glass manufacturing processes.



Contact: Mgr. Han

Phone: 0086-13589497465


Add: Industrial Area of Lingzi Town,Zichuan District,Zibo City, Shandong,China

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