Fireclay Bricks for Steel Industry Furnaces and Kilns

Fireclay bricks are one of the most common refractory materials used in the steel industry. They are widely used in high-temperature applications, such as furnaces and kilns, due to their excellent resistance to heat, corrosion, and abrasion. In this article, we will discuss the properties, manufacturing, and applications of fireclay bricks in the steel industry.

Properties of Fireclay Bricks

Fireclay bricks are made of high-quality refractory clay, which is a naturally occurring material that has a high aluminum content. The clay is mixed with other materials, such as grog, sawdust, or other organic materials, to improve its plasticity and workability. The mixture is then molded into the desired shape and fired at high temperatures, typically around 1400°C, to create a dense, hard brick.

One of the key properties of fireclay bricks is their excellent thermal shock resistance. They can withstand rapid temperature changes without cracking or breaking, which makes them ideal for use in furnaces and kilns that operate at high temperatures. Fireclay bricks also have high compressive strength, which means they can resist heavy loads and pressure without deforming.

Another important property of fireclay bricks is their chemical resistance. They can withstand exposure to a wide range of chemicals, such as acids and alkalis, without deteriorating. This makes them ideal for use in applications where the environment is corrosive, such as in steel industry furnaces and kilns.

Manufacturing of Fireclay Bricks

The manufacturing process of fireclay bricks begins with the selection of high-quality refractory clay. The clay is then crushed and mixed with other materials, such as grog, sawdust, or other organic materials, to improve its plasticity and workability. The mixture is then molded into the desired shape, typically using a hydraulic press or extruder.

After molding, the bricks are dried and fired at high temperatures, typically around 1400°C, in a kiln. During the firing process, the clay undergoes chemical and physical changes, becoming denser and harder. The final product is a dense, hard brick with excellent thermal shock resistance and chemical resistance.

Applications of Fireclay Bricks in the Steel Industry

Fireclay bricks are widely used in the steel industry for a variety of high-temperature applications, including furnaces and kilns. Some of the most common applications of fireclay bricks in the steel industry include:

1.Blast Furnace Lining: Fireclay bricks are used to line the interior of blast furnaces, which are used to produce pig iron. The lining protects the furnace from the high temperatures and corrosive environment inside, ensuring the furnace lasts longer.

2.Steelmaking Furnaces: Fireclay bricks are also used to line the steelmaking furnaces, such as basic oxygen furnaces (BOFs), electric arc furnaces (EAFs), and ladle furnaces. The lining protects the furnace from the high temperatures and corrosive environment inside, ensuring the furnace lasts longer.

3.Kilns: Fireclay bricks are used to line the interior of kilns, which are used to heat-treat steel products. The lining protects the kiln from the high temperatures and corrosive environment inside, ensuring the kiln lasts longer.

4.Refractory Lining: Fireclay bricks are used as a refractory lining in a variety of high-temperature applications in the steel industry, such as in coke ovens, boiler settings, and incinerators. The lining protects the structure from the high temperatures and corrosive environment inside, ensuring the structure lasts longer.


Fireclay bricks are a widely used refractory material in the steel industry due to their excellent thermal shock resistance, chemical resistance, and high compressive strength. They are commonly used in high-temperature applications, such as furnaces and kilns, to protect the structure from the corrosive environment and high temperatures.

The manufacturing process of fireclay bricks involves selecting high-quality refractory clay, crushing and mixing it with other materials, molding it into the desired shape, and firing it at high temperatures in a kiln. This process creates a dense, hard brick that can withstand rapid temperature changes and exposure to a wide range of chemicals.

In summary, fireclay bricks are an essential component of the steel industry, as they play a critical role in protecting the equipment and structures from the harsh operating environment. The excellent thermal and chemical resistance properties of fireclay bricks make them an ideal choice for high-temperature applications, ensuring the longevity and reliability of the steel industry's equipment and processes.



Contact: Mgr. Han

Phone: 0086-13589497465


Add: Industrial Area of Lingzi Town,Zichuan District,Zibo City, Shandong,China

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